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prepare for healthy spring

5 Tips to Prepare You for a Healthy Spring

March 25th, 2022

Health is happiness! Spring is also a season of happiness and warmth. To make the season a happy one indeed, we will be sharing tips to prepare you for a healthy spring.


 1. Resolve to be healthier

The achievement of any goal starts with a confident resolution. If you have any bad habits detrimental to your health, resolve to grow out of them. Here are some helpful tips:

  • Replace the habit you want to drop with a new one. For instance, instead of taking carbonated drinks, take water
  • Write down your goals
  • Set daily milestones to achieve them
  • Get an accountability partner — your partner, a friend, or another person who shares your goal
  • Reward yourself for making progress

It may not be easy, but it’s achievable and worth it in the long run.


2. Rise early

Develop a healthy sleep pattern. Waking up early offers a great opportunity to indulge in some healthy outdoor exercises before the sun rises. Even if the sun rises during your early morning exercises, you’d be assured of a good dose of Vitamin D for your skin! Vitamin D helps in keeping your bones in great shape.

Also, it’s the spring season. You don’t need to consume coffee to rise early. Creating a sleep schedule, avoiding sleeping pills, and indulging in good sleeping habits are good ways to train yourself to rise early.


3. Hydrate yourself

The human body is made up of about 60% water. But, you still need to fortify your body with more water to ensure optimal function. The spring season is characterized by warm weather conditions which can cause frequent thirsts. So, make it your mission to increase your intake of water.

Some ways to stay hydrated include:

  • Drink lots of water (8 glasses or more a day)
  • Consume fresh fruits
  • Eat fresh vegetables
  • Reduce your salt intake


4. Get active

Aside from your early morning exercises, your day should be filled with a lot of activity. Even if you’re not working, you shouldn’t sit in a position for long. During your lunch breaks, you could take a walk to a nearby park and get some fresh air. Keeping your body active will keep your blood circulating and help to burn calories.

Aside from physical activity, the body also needs mental activity to stay healthy. So, do things to boost your IQ. e.g. reading books, solving puzzles, learning new hobbies, or engaging in intellectual discussions. They’ll promote your mental health and all-round growth!


5. Create time for regular checkups

While inculcating good sleeping habits and keeping your body active are important to keep you healthy, it is also vital to regularly visit a health center for checkups. You don’t only have to visit the doctor when you feel ill.

Also, don’t self-medicate whenever you don’t feel great. The doctor’s advice and prescription are more precise than your guesses.

Furthermore, you should get to know your allergies so you can steer clear of them. You could also decide to take health supplements to aid your growth. All of these will help in keeping you fit and healthy during spring!



Healthy living is underrated. Eating healthily, sleeping well, exercising your body, and visiting a community care clinic around you for regular checkups, are part of the necessary steps to becoming a healthy person. Do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or need to get in touch with a doctor.


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