June 17th, 2022
There are lots of people who are victims of terrible events like rape, accident, or natural disasters. These experiences can be awful and frightening and, more often than not, they have a significant impact on victims, like trauma. What is Trauma? Trauma is an emotional response to an extremely terrible event. It’s also a psychological […]
May 20th, 2022
Seizure and stroke are neurological conditions that affect the brain. But, due to the similarities of their symptoms, they tend to be mistaken for each other. It’s important to know the differences between them, and that is what this article seeks to address. What is a Stroke? A stroke is a neurological condition in […]
April 22nd, 2022
When you were younger, you probably had one of those little journals or scrapbooks where you wrote random things like how your day went, who you had a crush on, who you didn’t like. You know, all the childish stuff that dominates an adolescent’s mind. Then, later as an adult, responsibilities kicked in and […]
September 4th, 2021
It isn’t just about living a healthier life yourself. The goal is to inspire others as well, including your family members. Basic steps on your end can help you build a healthier and happier family, whereby every member is living a better lifestyle that’s fulfilling, content, and prosperous. Here are four tips to inspire your […]
July 5th, 2021
Good health and wellness encompass a holistic approach that includes taking complete care of your physical and mental health. However,in this present time, younger people are prone to being stressed and they do not often prioritize their health, which in turn result to alarming health issues. Here are five practical ways people in their 20s […]
June 16th, 2021
It’s not easy to make a course correction and get a hold of your substance use disorders. But you stood strong and managed it! Now you’re tasked to keep at it. But relapse is a common part of recovery. Many people fall back to their old habits. Hence, It’s essential that you maintain your health […]
May 15th, 2021
Work from Home Issues “With this period of working from home, personal and professional lives have intertwined. Working hours now last much longer and run late into the night. There’s very limited time to spare for “self” and family. It’s very exhausting.I am less productive and usually in a bad mood for most of […]
May 6th, 2021
There’s a big difference between looking healthy and being truly healthy. A lot of people appear healthy and but they may not be truly healthy. This is we encourage you to always go for routine health checks to ensure you’re truly healthy. This applies even with mammography. It’s recommended that women between the age of […]
April 21st, 2021
We’re going through challenging times. Everyone has their issue to worry about. Stress is piling up for all and there seems to be no end to the myriad of problems the world currently faces. At such a time as this, you may expect a big breakthrough to bring you ultimate relief. In reality, though, you […]