August 12th, 2020
It’s tough information to accept; very overwhelming. You’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer. It’s essential now that you get a hold of your emotions,
connect with a good specialist at the community health center, and start the course of treatment immediately.
It’s not the end. You’re going to beat cancer.
Following this diagnosis, many women live a stressful and anxious life. Don’t be one of them.
Here are 6 tips to help you manage anxiety and stress after you’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer:
A large part of stress and anxiety comes from the uncertainty of what will happen as a result of your diagnosis. So, address this uncertainty head-on. Get
to know your illness better.
Find more details about your tumor, as well as the stage you’re in. Understand your proposed treatment plan, also the best and worst-case scenario. How will
this illness affect your overall health and lifestyle? Find answers to all such questions that you have in mind.
The more certain you are of what is to come next, the more comfortable you will get.
When we say “find answers”, we do not mean Google them.
Get all your concerns addressed by your doctor – and not the internet.
Avoid looking up specific answers online on breast cancer. You will be left with more stress and anxiety.
So, when it comes to your condition, your doctor is the most reliable source for you.
This goes without saying…
If you’re working with a good doctor who has extensive experience and proven track record, you will be much more comfortable and at ease. You can trust and
rely on them to handle your case better.
So, take your time to find a good doctor. Your GP would usually refer you to a specialist. But you want to do your research as well before settling on
Treating breast cancer is teamwork between the patient, doctor, and medical team.
Surround yourself with people who love you; people who you love. Stay connected with your friends and family members (and colleagues). Talk to them.
Whenever and wherever needed, seek help from them.
At times like these, you need all the support you can get.
This will ease your stress and anxiety.
The diagnosis of breast cancer might not be your lone source of stress. How you respond to this news and condition could be aggravated by your other sources
of worries. Identify these “other sources”.
Maybe you’re otherwise stressed about money, your job, or your kids?
Address them individually. You will automatically find your overall stress trickling down.
Don’t be afraid to seek professional help.
Often, despite your best efforts, you could still be struggling psychologically – to an extent this could interfere with the quality of your life.
Go and see a counselor. Visit the community health center and talk to specialists.
This can make a big difference in your overall mental health, de-escalating your stress and anxiety. You would be able to better handle your condition
Googling “mammography services near me” was only one part; a small one. If the result came with undesired diagnosis, a significant part of the battle ahead
will have to be fought in your head.
You must know how to manage your stress and anxiety. The above-mentioned tips will help you with that.
Tags: charlotte community health clinic, community care clinic, community health center, community health clinic near me, health clinic near me, mammogram screening near me, mammography center near me, mammography services, mammography services near me, mammography test near me