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Excercise for Pregnant women

6 Safe Exercises for Pregnant Women

June 3rd, 2022

As a pregnant woman, having a hitch-free delivery is your priority. To increase your chances of having a seamless labor experience, you have to make the right choices, like a healthy diet and a healthy physical workout routine like exercising.


Pregnancy exercises don’t have to be grand or overly expensive. You can easily practice them in the comfort of your home! Easy peasy. Here, you’ll learn the importance of pregnancy exercises, why you should consider them, and safe exercises to try out. Read on!



What are Exercises for Pregnant Women?

Pregnancy exercises are activities that are carried out during pregnancy. Just like regular exercise, pregnancy exercises are designed to help you maintain all-round fitness.



Why You Should Consider Pregnancy Exercises

As a pregnant woman, performing safe pregnancy exercises can be beneficial for you and your baby! Here are some of the benefits of engaging in pregnancy exercises:


  • Practicing pregnancy exercises will help to reduce pregnancy aches such as pelvic pain, joint pain, back pain, round ligament pain (an ache in your lower belly or groin), et cetera


  • Pregnancy exercises will also lower your chances of having complications like gestational diabetes which occurs during pregnancy


  • Regular pregnancy exercises will help keep you mentally and physically healthy. You’ll be able to manage stress well, sleep better and be energetic.


  • Pregnancy exercises will also prepare your body for labor strain and increase your chances of being in shape after birth



Can Every Pregnant Woman Engage in Pregnancy Exercises?

Not all pregnant women can try out pregnancy exercises without being at risk of complications. For instance, if a pregnant woman has a certain health condition, attempting some exercises might not be helpful to her and her child.


If you have/have experienced any of the following conditions, you should rule out certain exercises from your list.


  • Previous preterm labor
  • Double expectancy (expecting more than one child)
  • Cervical insufficiency/ weak cervix
  • Heart issues
  • Diabetes
  • Previous/recurrent cases of miscarriage
  • Asthma


Consult your doctor to know the safest exercises for you and your child.


Six Safe Exercises for a Pregnant Woman

For these exercises, you might need some equipment like mats, a treadmill, and a rowing machine.  Check out safe exercises that can help you and your baby.


1.   Cardiovascular exercises

These are simple exercises that include brisk walking, dancing, prenatal yoga, jogging, swimming, and cycling. See? Nothing grand. All you have to do is walk, dance, swim, et cetera.


You can carry out these activities at any point of your pregnancy — be it the first trimester, second or third. You can never go wrong with cardiovascular exercises!


2.   Stretching exercises

When you feel any discomfort, you can count on stretches to save the day! These practices will aid your body flexibility and come in handy during delivery.


You can do the neck and shoulder rotation exercises to reduce tension in the neck and shoulder region; the thigh shift for balance during delivery; the leg shake to increase circulation; and the ankle rotation to ease off swelling in the legs


3.   Squats

Doing squats will strengthen your leg muscles and your back which is carrying all the weight. To perform this exercise, what you have to do is:


  • Stand in front of a wall
  • Spread your legs wide apart
  • Bend your thighs forward. Your buttocks should be propped backward as if you’re about to sit
  • Stay down for a few seconds and stand straight afterward
  • Don’t forget to breathe


4.   Kegel exercises

You obviously can’t forsake your uterus, bowels, and bladder in all of this. During delivery, your bladder and bowels can act up by leaking, so you should train your pelvic floor and abdominal muscles in advance. Kegel exercises can be done anywhere.


Here’s the process:

  • Sit comfortably
  • Ensure that your legs and buttocks aren’t moving
  • Contract the muscles of your pelvis like you’re holding in urine
  • B-r-e-a-t-h-e


5.   Breathing exercises

As easy as this sounds, breathing exercises are important. Be it for squats, kegel exercises, or cardiovascular exercises, you need to breathe!


Sit comfortably, take deep breaths, and focus on breathing alone — do nothing else. That’ll help to expand your lungs and let in more air. Combine this with meditation and you’d be grateful for the calmness and stress release that would come out of it.


6.   Pelvictilt exercise

This exercise is also concerned with training your pelvis for labor. Here’s how it’s done:


  • Start by spreading a yoga mat on the floor
  • Lay on your back with your belly up and knees flexed
  • Your feet and hands should be balanced on the mat
  • Lift your back slowly from the mat and then come back down



Final Words

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a newbie or an experienced mother. These exercises are easy and safe.  However, if you experience any form of discomfort during your exercises, report to your doctor immediately. Don’t leave anything to chance.


Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or need help connecting with a doctor.

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