February 25th, 2021
Things eventually get better. You embrace that you have breast cancer. And you get accustomed to the treatment process and the whole battle. But for different women, this phase could take a different turn. Some could be back to being “normal” sooner, while others could take months. Being diagnosed with breast cancer isn’t just shocking but traumatic. And for many, it could result in mental health problems, from stress, anxiety, to depression.
So, if your casual “mammography services near me” search and subsequent test resulted in you being diagnosed with breast cancer, it’s important that you also attend to your mental health. You might be feeling overwhelmed, hopeless, confused, and lost – all of which are normal. But beyond a certain point, if this state lasts longer, it calls for attention and care. You could be dealing with some form of mental illness, which would further add to your woe, making the situation more complicated than it should be.
At such a time, getting emotional support from friends and family members is important. It can make the biggest difference. The right people by your side can ease and comfort you; they can help you navigate your emotions in the right direction. Also, their advice and presence will ensure you are not fighting this battle alone. So, do reach out to people who are close to you – people whom you trust and can rely on. Don’t keep this to yourself because you need emotional support; don’t hesitate in asking for it.
Also, take care of your physical health. Following such a diagnosis, your normal daily routine could be affected. You may lose your appetite, you may not feel like working or doing anything too, take control of this. Don’t overlook your physical health or go too off in your daily routine. Try to continue doing the regular things you do. Eat healthy foods, exercise, socialize, and get proper sleep every night.
A large part of why you’re feeling what you’re feeling – and why your mental health isn’t in a good state – is because of the uncertainty of what lies ahead. Here, talk to your doctor and understand your condition better. Be very clear about how the treatment course will look and what adjustments you would have to make to your life. A clear understanding of “what next” will provide you comfort.
In the end, if your mental health doesn’t seem to be getting better even after weeks of diagnosis – and you’re not feeling well, seek help. And if you are showing signs of mental health problems, consider getting help from a professional. Google “mental health center near me”, find a good professional, and seek proper counseling. Remember, battling breast cancer is just as much about your mental resiliency. So, in midst of all these, pay extra attention to your mental health. Seek help when needed.
Tags: community mental health center near me, community mental health near me, mammogram screening near me, mammography center near me, mammography near me, mammography services, mammography services near me, mammography test near me, mental health center near me, mental health charlotte, mental health nc, mental health services nc