May 28th, 2020
Managing Type 2 diabetes is more than just taking medication and eating assigned meals.
34.2 million people in the USA have diabetes. Out of them, about 94 percent of them have type 2 diabetes. (Source)
If you’re diabetic, it’s essential that you manage this condition effectively, to enable you to live a full life. Here are five common type 2 diabetes management mistakes several people make and you might be making as well:
Going off your outlined diet – even for a little bit, can take you many steps backward.
Sadly, many people give in to their occasional cravings, which ends up completely messing their glucose level.
Know from head-on how you’re going to avoid such a situation. Be certain of the kind of foods you must avoid at all costs. Know the portion of such food you should have, if you’re going to have it anyway.
Keep aside a few healthy ideas to meet your occasional food cravings instead of gorging on high-carb meals.
Effective diabetes management is all about testing, keeping track of your glucose level, and making necessary improvements in your overall lifestyle.
So, your blood sugar level might have been within the proper range yesterday, it may not be the case today. Even on the same day, for different reasons, the level can spike and dip uncontrollably.
Having a home kit and testing regularly as advised by your doctor, is essential.
The importance of exercising for diabetic patients cannot be overstated.
However, many people undermine this. The sedentary lifestyle of most patients poses a big challenge in their diabetes management.
Walking, especially after meals can control the spikes of blood sugar.
Unlike other conditions and diseases, the effects of diabetes aren’t evident immediately. It’s a progressive disease that slowly hurts different systems in our body. For this reason, the patients may not feel any difference in their health even when the blood sugar level is very high. They continue “feeling fine”.
By so doing, they become laid-back about their diabetes management plan. And end up not following the regimen seriously. This makes the case worse.
Remember to never confuse you feeling good with the absence of a diabetic condition.
This is another common mistake.
Many people forget to take their medications and insulin doses. And those who do keep up with it, don’t stick to set times, which is important when managing diabetes.
Thankfully, this is easy to resolve. Have your doctor layout a clear time-table for medication and insulin doses. Google “community health center near me” and consult a diabetes specialist today.
There are dedicated mobile apps now for diabetes management; you can use them to set reminders for your daily doses.
These are five common type 2 diabetes management mistakes people make. Avoid them.
Understand that controlling your blood glucose level doesn’t have to be such a difficult task. Small measures, as outlined by your diabetes management services provider or doctor, can make all the difference in the long run.
There are no magical pills or tricks.
It’s the little steps and basic care that will keep you safe, healthy, and happy.
Tags: charlotte community health clinic, community care clinic, community clinic near me, community health center, community health center near me, community health centers near me, diabetes management companies, diabetes management near me, diabetes management services