June 23rd, 2021
Go here to read part 1: HIV Test: 12 Frequently Asked Questions (Part 1) 7. When to get an HIV test done? As mentioned in the previous answer, you should get tested for HIV at least once; more often if you’re at a higher risk of contracting the infection. In addition, if you notice any […]
April 22nd, 2019
Admittedly, there’s no cure for HIV. Yet. However, this isn’t a be-all, end-all statement. This doesn’t mean a hopeless end for the patients. With the advances we have made in this niche in recent times, even with this virus, one can lead a healthy, happy and longer life. So, after you have Googled “HIV test […]
March 29th, 2019
When it concerns something as serious as Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), self-diagnose should be secondary. You must primarily and instinctively find out where to get free HIV testing and then go see a doctor if you ever doubt that you have this virus. However, many people show reluctance in this. This eventually ends up making […]