February 23rd, 2021
Ensuring they are getting all the support they need in tough times is a part of the friendship code. If your friend is dealing with health problems, it’s your responsibility to be by their side and see to it that they are getting proper treatment. Here are six common health problems and how you can […]
December 28th, 2020
It’s not easy to beat substance use disorders. But you’re doing it well so far! You checked into a good health and wellness center, got help from the right healthcare professionals, and are now on the path to recovery. This journey won’t exactly be easy. If anything, you would face many temptations testing your determination […]
October 19th, 2020
Owing to the pandemic, a large number of people around the world are working from home. While this has some very obvious pros (after all, who wouldn’t love working from the comfort of their bed), the disadvantages are becoming more apparent. Several surveys have revealed astonishingly high numbers of people who say remote working is […]
October 6th, 2020
As emotionally overwhelming and regrettable as a relapse could be, it’s common. A little moment of weakness can wreck all the progress you have made towards recovery. As a result, many people reluctantly give in to their addiction, refusing to fight the temptation. Hence, they relapse! Are you afraid you’re going into a relapse? Should […]
August 28th, 2020
To see your friend struggling with drug addiction isn’t easy. So, it makes sense you want to help them out. But before you step up to put them away from drugs, you must understand the situation properly and factor different dynamics. Because while you certainly want them to live a better and healthier life, they […]