February 15th, 2021
As one ages, several health problems start sneaking in. Those “little” symptoms that people usually shrug off could be an early sign of something serious. This is why, once past 50, people should get the necessary medical tests done regularly to rule out any possible health conditions. Cautious and preventive measures like this can help […]
October 24th, 2020
Millions of people suffer from type 2 diabetes. While there are outlined ways to help you keep your blood sugar level low (and take control of your life), not everyone manages to make that happen. Admittedly, managing diabetes isn’t “very easy”; this is particularly true for those who are recently diagnosed, and don’t yet have […]
August 7th, 2020
2020 might not be a very good year. There are stress and anxiety in every vertical. But the good thing is you’re still in control of a lot of things. For instance, you’re in control of how much stress you’re handling every day. Also, you can visit a health wellness center anytime for professional care, […]
July 22nd, 2020
Maybe you felt a lump or experience pain in your breast, your BFF encouraged you to go for a test or You simply Googled “mammography services near me” and got your mammogram done. The result came out, and you were diagnosed with breast cancer. Now, breathe in, take it easy. We understand how life-altering the […]
February 9th, 2020
Even though at its peak, awareness around mental health is still very low. It demands more attention and discussion. There’re reasons why more than 264 million people in the world are living with depression in silence. There are also reasons why many people even fail to understand the seriousness of their problem, usually assuming it […]
October 30th, 2019
Truly, not every addiction is a bad thing. But addiction in the form of substance or alcohol dependence and the likes are really bad for your health. Therefore, admitting that you have a problem is the first step to addiction recovery and making a decision to quit is another good step. Thumbs up if you […]
May 18th, 2019
The answer is as simple as… we don’t know. As frustratingly vague as it may sound, it’s also true. We don’t know how often should you visit a primary health care clinic and see a physician. Generally, it is recommended that a healthy adult should see the doctor once a year. However, this is far […]