Of course, asking your friend to visit a good Charlotte community health clinic and seek proper treatment is the first thing you should do. But then that’s not all. If they are seriously ill, as a friend, there’s a lot you can do to make them feel better and speed up their recovery.
Here are four ways to respond when your friend is seriously ill:
1. Respect their choice or preference
They are going through a difficult phase. They may not necessarily be willing to talk to you or anyone else all the time. They may not like going places or talking about certain topics. They may prefer being alone.
So, while you do want to help, it’s essential that you respect their choices and preferences. Listen to what they are saying and what they want.
If they don’t want to do something or don’t want to hang out, respect that and their freedom to make choices.
It’s common to become protective and controlling when someone you love is ill. Go against that instinct.
2. Don’t focus on their illness
“You will be fine” … “How are you feeling” … “You’re getting better”…
While these sentences are said with the best intention, they can also be annoying for your friend.
Always talking about their illness and overall health is a bad idea and it’s something your friend may not like.
So, have conversations on different topics that don’t necessarily remind your friend of their illness.
3. Look out for their mental health
Going through illness also brings emotional and psychological toll. It also affects the person’s mental health. Your friend could be going through mental health issues as well; especially if it’s a prolonged illness.
So, do look out for their mental health. If they are showing symptoms of common issues like anxiety, stress, depression, and more, encourage them to visit a counselor.
Google “primary care clinics near me“, pick a good clinic, and ensure your friend is getting help from an experienced mental health specialist.
4. Ensure they are following the treatment plan
This is a basic step that’s almost given. But it’s worth mentioning.
Make sure your friend is religiously following their treatment plan. Similarly, also make sure they are following the doctor’s advice and recommendations.
If they aren’t on the right track, gently encourage your friend to get back on track.
Final Words
There’s a lot you can do to help your friend feel better when they are going through a serious illness.
Your little effort can speed up their recovery and improve their life while they are going through this phase.
So, take a step forward and play the role of a good friend. Help your friend in need.