C.W. Williams Community Health Center, Inc.

5 Reasons To Prioritize Oral Hygiene

Oral Hygiene

There is no gainsaying that oral hygiene is crucial to your overall health. Leaving oral diseases untreated increases your chances of getting ill with other serious health conditions. This is why you must maintain good oral hygiene at all times.

Oral hygiene is simply the practice of keeping your teeth free from decay and infection. This includes frequent brushing, flossing, cleaning, and occasional dental exams. If you’re wondering about more reasons why oral hygiene is important and whether to cultivate the habit, we have put together a few convincing reasons.


Reasons Why Oral Hygiene is Important

The main essence of oral hygiene is to prevent plaque from building up in your mouth and causing gum infection or tooth decay. Here are other good reasons why oral hygiene is important:


  1. It Shares Ties With Your Overall Health

As you may know, your mouth opens a doorway to the internal parts of your body. Not only does your mouth serve as a vital area for detecting early symptoms of systemic diseases such as diabetes which often becomes apparent as a mouth lesion or other dental problems, but it could also lead to health complications like infective endocarditis, sepsis, bacterial pneumonia if not properly cared for.

Simply keeping your teeth and mouth clean helps prevent the risks of these health complications. You may also want to consider scheduling regular dental checkups at least twice a year to ensure your oral properties are in great condition.


  1. Enhances Early Detection of Oral Diseases

Taking charge of your oral health as mentioned earlier includes scheduling visits with a professional dentist for oral checkups. Your dentist will examine your dental conditions through examinations and dental cleaning which will reveal any oral issues or health complications caused by oral diseases. This way you can resume treatment as quickly as possible and go on to improve your oral hygiene.


  1. Helps Prevents Tooth Loss

One of the reasons oral hygiene is important is because it helps in the prevention of tooth loss. Tooth loss is arguably the most common dental problem a lot of children and adults face and one reason for this is poor dental hygiene. As plaque builds up in your mouth due to poor oral hygiene, it will most likely result in acute tooth decay or gum infection which over time, may cause tooth loss.

It is important to regularly and properly brush and floss to reduce plaque buildup, but these may not be enough to ensure your oral health is in perfect condition. It is also advised that you visit your dentist who is best placed to ensure that difficult-to-reach teeth and areas in your mouth are free of plaque and tartar. Make this a dental health routine.


  1. Helps Your Dentist Create A Specialized Oral Treatment Plan

Another important reason to prioritize your oral health through dental checkups is that it helps your dentist provide the specific care you need. Mouth structures and dental conditions vary for each individual and these dental conditions can only be detected during regular dental visits.

So, whether you are suffering from tooth decay or teeth misalignment, a dental health routine visit will help determine the right care plan to help you achieve optimal oral health.


  1. Enhances Overall Self Esteem

If your oral health is poor, chances are that you would be lacking the confidence to either flash your teeth in public or speak close to others. No doubt, this is only going to lower your self-esteem and send you into a shell.

As such, you must practice good oral hygiene every day to keep your teeth plaque-free and build that confident and infectious smile your face deserves.


Tips To Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

  1. Eat healthily and avoid junk.
  2. Avoid the use of tobacco products.
  3. Always rinse your mouth with water after meals
  4. Endeavor to brush your teeth at least twice a day or after every meal.
  5. Protect your teeth with a mouth guard when playing contact sports.
  6. Schedule preventive dental checkups every 6 months


At C.W. Williams Community Health Center, we take pride in providing top-notch dental services. In the long run, practicing good and proper hygiene is a good investment not just for your teeth but for your overall well-being. Don’t hesitate to schedule a visit with us today to get started on your journey toward oral perfection!


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