August 23rd, 2022
Although every part of the human body is valuable and important, our eyes are even more vital. The eyes serve as the windows for you to engage your immediate environment as well as propagate visual information for your brain to work with. Hence, doing everything humanly possible to protect your eyes is a smart decision […]
August 23rd, 2022
Supplements are simply edible substances that are designed to enhance body performance or address a deficiency. Supplements are taken alongside meals to provide quality nutrients in sufficient quantities most of which are extracted from food sources or made synthetically. The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) defines supplements as “a product […]
August 12th, 2022
Understanding what braces are and how they work is an important part of dental healthcare. People all over the world are beginning to accept and understand how useful braces are and how effective they can be to the dental health of an individual. What are Braces? Braces are dental devices that are used to correct […]
August 8th, 2022
Scattered around the world are different ongoing community outreach programs that are impacting our societies. Community outreach programs have proven to be an effective means of addressing certain needs within small communities and helping provide solutions to them. Community outreach programs are usually misunderstood and so, not many people are aware of how effective they […]
August 8th, 2022
When it comes to breastfeeding, sometimes young mothers are usually confused about what to do especially in a situation where there is a child in weaning and another child on the way. Usually, the best sources of guidance remain a health center or an accessible primary care clinic. But, it is also important to consume […]
August 1st, 2022
People love sugary food. Cookies, candies, and junk food are a few favorite food for many, and frequent consumption of these foods can result in sugar addiction. Sugar addiction is caused by the brain’s response to sugary meals. Snacks and meals filled with sugar trigger the release of dopamine. The brain of the average human […]