July 22nd, 2022
Obesity in children has become an ever-increasing phenomenon in recent times. As of 2020, it has been estimated that over 39 million children under the age of 5 are either overweight or obese. What is Obesity? Obesity is a word used to describe the health situation where an individual develops excessive body fat that […]
July 18th, 2022
The eye is one of the most sensitive parts of the body; as such, it is only vital you care for it properly. We have curated some tips to help you in this regard.
July 10th, 2022
How to Overcome Substance Abuse Substance abuse is the use of illegal drugs or excessive use of drugs and alcohol for another purpose other than its prescribed purpose. There are two types of substance abuse; alcohol abuse and drug abuse. Some people abuse both substances, while others are addicted to just one. When […]
July 10th, 2022
Shot anxiety is the extreme fear of needles. People who have shot anxiety are often scared to get treatments that involve injection or blood draws. This ultimately leads to delays in getting proper medical care. Shot anxiety is common amongst children and can interfere with their mental and physical wellbeing if not properly tackled. […]
July 2nd, 2022
Diseases, germs, and infections are sneaky discomforts that can make their way into the human body at the slightest slip-up. When this happens, your immune system immediately springs into action to save your body from harm. But, what happens when a disease has the upper hand and your immune system is unable to fight […]