June 24th, 2022
While many people procrastinate when it comes to their health, studies have shown that men tend to resist medical care more. Men are less likely than women to see a physician or other health provider and this is wrong. If you don’t take adequate care of your health, it’ll affect your body. Therefore, you must […]
June 17th, 2022
There are lots of people who are victims of terrible events like rape, accident, or natural disasters. These experiences can be awful and frightening and, more often than not, they have a significant impact on victims, like trauma. What is Trauma? Trauma is an emotional response to an extremely terrible event. It’s also a psychological […]
June 17th, 2022
Summer is the most anticipated season in every year. Everything about it radiates fun! Summer is good news for those who want skin tans, fun lovers, and children. There’s no rain and a lot of sun! But isn’t it ironic that summer’s greatest advantage over other seasons — sunshine — doubles as its undoing? […]
June 10th, 2022
Hepatitis is a general term for any inflammation that occurs on the liver. Inflammation is an itch or irritation on the body, like a sore spot on the skin. Hepatitis can be long-term or short-term, depending on the cause of the hepatitis type affecting a patient. Causes of Hepatitis While viruses account for a large […]
June 10th, 2022
Imagine your bones hitting one another and making popping sounds whenever you move. That’s how arthritis is and it’s painful. However, it’s possible to live a normal, pain-free life with arthritis, as long as you can manage it effectively. This simple guide contains a few tips that can help you. What is Arthritis? Arthritis is […]
June 3rd, 2022
As a pregnant woman, having a hitch-free delivery is your priority. To increase your chances of having a seamless labor experience, you have to make the right choices, like a healthy diet and a healthy physical workout routine like exercising. Pregnancy exercises don’t have to be grand or overly expensive. You can easily practice […]