January 28th, 2022
A food allergy is an unpleasant reaction of the immune system after a particular food is eaten. In some cases, food allergies experienced during childhood continue in adulthood. Symptoms of a food allergy differ per person. Some reactions can be mild, while some can be life-threatening. However, if not properly detected or taken care […]
January 27th, 2022
First things first, what do you know about breast cancer? Breast cancer is the world’s most prevalent form of cancer. In 2020, there were about 2.3 million women who had been diagnosed with breast cancer and about 685,000 had died due to complications from breast cancer. Men can be diagnosed with breast cancer! In […]
January 26th, 2022
Sleep is a necessary part of our day-to-day life that is often undervalued. The average adult requires seven to nine hours of sleep every night to stay healthy and function properly. Every day, the sleep-wake routine is regulated by something called circadian rhythms. Circadian rhythms use cues like sunlight, or darkness to trigger sleepiness […]
January 24th, 2022
Public Health information on COVID-19 myths https://publichealthcollaborative.org/misinformation-alerts/
January 21st, 2022
There is no universally accepted definition for case management. However, several inputs have been made on the idea by different experts over the years to understand what case management could mean for the medical community. To help you view case management from different angles, we have compiled a couple of definitions that would set […]
January 17th, 2022
Beginning Wednesday, January 19th, you can order free home rapid COVID-19 test kits through the government at the following website: www.covidtests.gov A total of four test kits can be ordered per household.
January 17th, 2022
It is nearly impossible to never take anything that contains sugar, but it is plausible to decrease the amount of added sugar one consumes. You might deem it unnecessary to do that until you realize that there have been several studies highlighting the harmful effects of added sugar on one’s physical and mental health. In […]
January 11th, 2022
It’s that time of the year again! New year resolutions have been made or are being finalized. But most times, we all know how that goes, don’t we? Three months into the year, the zeal and motivation dwindles and we start slacking off. Then, poof! New year resolutions are blowing in the wind, only […]