October 30th, 2021
Feeling blue or angry for no reason? Have terrible mood swings? Facing sudden bouts of depression or anxiety in daily life? Then, you should seek help soon. Contact a quality mental health care facility by typing “mental healthcare clinic near me”. To get a proper insight into your inner mind Counseling is a highly effective […]
October 26th, 2021
We all know how essential it is to get care at a good healthcare facility. But it can be confusing to choose a trusted healthcare provider among so many options. So, we’ve listed a few tips to help you make the right choice. But first, you have to google “wellness center near me” to begin. […]
October 22nd, 2021
This condition demands a lifestyle change for effective management; a change that’s required to be maintained life-long. While there are definite ways to control high blood sugar level and keep it within the desired bracket, things aren’t that easy. Many people with diabetes face several challenges that prevent them from managing the condition properly. Here […]
October 16th, 2021
ADHD is prevalent among kids. But the attention deficit disorder affects adults just as much. In fact, about 4 percent of adults in the US (over the age of 18 years) struggle with ADHD every day. Did you know October is marked as National ADHD Awareness Month? If you’re noticing symptoms like impulsivity, forgetfulness, restlessness, […]
October 15th, 2021
Click to Download Form (English) Click to Download Form (Spanish) [pdf id=14863] [pdf id=14861]
October 7th, 2021
You think your dental health is in the best form and that everything is good. In reality, however, there are a few habits that are hurting your dental health without you even realizing it. 1. Using too much force when brushing your teeth Meaning, you’re brushing too hard. A hard bristle toothbrush will make things […]
October 6th, 2021
Here are seven tips to help you keep your heart healthy: 1. Be in the right weight bracket You don’t need to maintain an athlete’s physique. But you should maintain the right weight. This is because being overweight can cause many heart ailments. Based on your age and height, find out the right weight bracket […]