August 28th, 2020
To see your friend struggling with drug addiction isn’t easy. So, it makes sense you want to help them out. But before you step up to put them away from drugs, you must understand the situation properly and factor different dynamics. Because while you certainly want them to live a better and healthier life, they […]
August 25th, 2020
Depending on the kind of medical test you require, the cost can go up to as much as $3,000. A lot also depends on the clinic or diagnostic center you’ve chosen; how much they charge varies. So, for whatever reason, if you’re uninsured, you might end up with a big bill. Finding Cost-Effective Options That […]
August 17th, 2020
In addition, your doctor would advise you to stay away from the identified allergens and advise you on how to effectively prevent you won’t always be aware of an allergen. Your symptoms could be as a result of anything – from foods to pollens. It is therefore advised to take steps in identifying the substance […]
August 12th, 2020
It’s tough information to accept; very overwhelming. You’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer. It’s essential now that you get a hold of your emotions, connect with a good specialist at the community health center, and start the course of treatment immediately. It’s not the end. You’re going to beat cancer. Following this diagnosis, many women […]
August 7th, 2020
2020 might not be a very good year. There are stress and anxiety in every vertical. But the good thing is you’re still in control of a lot of things. For instance, you’re in control of how much stress you’re handling every day. Also, you can visit a health wellness center anytime for professional care, […]
August 3rd, 2020
Women, following the age of 40, with an average risk of having breast cancer, are usually recommended to get a mammogram once every year or two. Those who have higher than average risk, are recommended to get screened annually. Now, there are no standard benchmarks as to how often you should get a mammogram. Some […]