October 30th, 2019
Truly, not every addiction is a bad thing. But addiction in the form of substance or alcohol dependence and the likes are really bad for your health. Therefore, admitting that you have a problem is the first step to addiction recovery and making a decision to quit is another good step. Thumbs up if you […]
October 17th, 2019
“Never let a stumble in the road, be the end of your Journey” We have been at our lowest, at some point in life and may have even contemplated suicide, but thankfully didn’t follow through. If you know anyone feeling suicidal, you can help such a person stay alive. On the other hand, mental […]
October 7th, 2019
Indeed, it is our secret desire not to gain extra weight, but unfortunately, this is not often the case as we end up googling “how to lose weight fast”. According to obesity facts and statistics, obesity or overweight means having more body fat than is considered healthy. This condition could lead to a myriad of […]